

Mexamin-S5 is specially and thoughtfully formulated to ensure your strength, stamina, and energy to keep mental and physical satisfaction intact. Mexamin-S5 is organic, natural, it is packed with pharmacological properties and is rich in its curcumin value that promises a maximum level of success in pulling you out of your low sexual performance, gives you all the stamina, which enhances your overall stimulation to make you last as long as you desire.


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What Is Mexamin-S5?

Low sexual stamina is one of the several conditions that fall under the category of sexual health and performance problems. It has been seen that a number of men choose to disregard their sexual stamina problems, due to either social pressure, embarrassment, potential shame, judgment or they believe that these issues are not medically or psychologically related conditions. However, if not diagnosed and treated on time the condition of low sexual stamina can become a serious condition and will pave the way for a host of physical and mental conditions, which will have an adverse effect on your quality of life in many ways. While there are several ways to treat the condition, it’s best to sort out a natural and an organic way out of this distressful condition.

Few Symptoms Of Low Sexual Stamina Are:

  • Genital irritations such as a lump, pain sore, itching
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Stress and depression
  • Pre-mature ejaculation

Mexamin-S5 is specially and thoughtfully formulated to ensure your strength, stamina, and energy to keep mental and physical satisfaction intact. Mexamin-S5 is organic, natural, it is packed with pharmacological properties and is rich in its curcumin value that promises a maximum level of success in pulling you out of your low sexual performance, gives you all the stamina, which enhances your overall stimulation to make you last as long as you desire. The cherry on the cake is that it is natural, which will cause no side effects and the all natural approach will assure you to keep performing better with nothing to bother you mentally.

Properties Of Mexamin-S5

  • The powerful anti-inflammatory properties of Mexamin-S5 keep swelling or chronic inflammation that might strike your genitals, making you reluctant and resisting your sex drive, out to assure you healthy sex life. It thwarts the cells responsible for inflammation of your penis before and during the sex.
  • Mexamin-S5 is an effective anti-oxidant and it can ameliorate oxidative damage in the male reproductive organs, which is increasingly responsible for the fatigue and your loss of energy while having sex.
  • Armed with anti-microbial properties Mexamin-S5 guards against any infection, which comes in the way of your healthy sex life.
  • Mexamin-S5 is a therapeutic agent, which helps in healing and soothing your senses, so you enjoy the simple pleasures in life without any stress.
  • The rich curcumin in Mexamin-S5 readily prevents the fatigue and infertility caused by toxicity. It supports the production of sperms by ameliorating the damage.

How To Use Mexamin-S5?

You can start by incorporating this product into your meals, soups, salads, smoothies, and curries. For better and faster results, try out the below-given recipes:

  • Take ½ tsp (2gms) Mexamin-S5, ¼ tsp black pepper, honey to taste, 1 cup milk. Boil the milk and add the mentioned ingredients and have it warm. Do remember to add honey after you have poured the drink in a cup. OR
  • Take ½ tsp (2gms) Mexamin-S5, 1 cup water and honey to taste. Boil Mexamin-S5 and water for 6-7 minutes and add honey in your glass and take it twice daily.

Please Note -It is advisable to start the dosage in small quantity and then gradually increase it. It is also important to be cautious, not to give this product to children.

Disclaimer – Results may vary from person to person, depending on the age and medical condition. We would suggest you take it for a month to begin with and see the difference.

Diet Chart

Findings have substantiated the fact that enhanced sexual behavior acts as a catalyst in facilitating increased satisfaction in relationships as well as in building self-esteem in humans. Sexual dysfunction, a serious medical and social symptom, is now being talked about openly and deserves its rightful place in medicinal treatment. It is here that the relevance of consuming the right foods assumes significance since in their own way; foods have a powerful healing property that brings the entire mind-body-spirit into greater harmony. Certain foods are known to increase sexual stamina as well as keep the body healthy and energetic. These include the following:

Eggs – It is a myth that fats in eggs are bad for health. Studies have found that serum cholesterol levels do not rise due to the cholesterol present in eggs. This cholesterol also does not cause higher blood pressure and in fact, facilitates production of more testosterone leading to enhanced sexual performance.

Turmeric – This readily available spice enhances blood flow throughout the body and thus, not only does it work for erections but also maintains sexual desires in men. Loss of or low sexual desires are also considered as the cause of a man’s reduced potency of making love-session enjoyable. Over the years, several studies have unveiled the magical benefits of turmeric for overall sexual health and it is used universally to enhance the same.

Pomegranate – A rich source of antioxidants, this invigorating fruit is known to improve male reproductive health significantly. The active compounds help enhance sexual functions such as providing stronger erections. It improves blood flow including that to the penis and the reproductive system. Studies have revealed that people who drink the juice of this fruit experience a surge in testosterone levels which intensifies sexual appetite.

Oysters – Oysters are a rich source of zinc which is linked to one’s libido thereby promoting sexual performance. Eating oysters gets the blood flowing to all the right areas thus augmenting low testosterone levels.

Spinach – This leafy vegetable is a very good source of an amino acid, l-arginine that plays a potent role in sexual function. Spinach and other green vegetables like broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale, etc are also good sources of another sex nutrient, folate, which is also known to enhance sexual performance.

Pumpkin seeds – These seeds are one of nature’s richest sources of zinc, a mineral that plays a role in thousands of different enzymatic reactions taking place in the body, including those involved in testosterone production. Undoubtedly, it plays a potent role in augmenting sexual functions.

Additional Information

Weight 60gms or 2.1 oz
Production Bagdara Farms, Madhya Pradesh, India
Color Bright Yellow
Key Feature 100% Organic


  • Avoid the usage of this product in combination with any other medicine.
  • This product will address the main health concern that you are facing and thereafter the other health concerns.
  • Therefore it is advisable to target the main disease with one product from the range of products.
  • Regular BP to be monitored as excessive use or use with allopathic medication may increase or decrease your BP. Our product works on blood thinning and cholesterol and hence the BP must be closely monitored for the first week.
  • Diabetic patients must monitor their Blood Sugar Level twice a day initially for 3 days and then once a day for next 3 days and then weekly for about a month and then monthly.
  • In case you feel any of the parameters shoot up or down, please check if you are consuming any other allopathic medication for any other problem in the body and stop using it immediately as the role of our product is to replace every other medicine that you are using and let you resume regular lifestyle where you can eat and drink what you want.
  • As a reminder, please discuss the supplements and medication to take with our advisors.


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